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Meeting of representatives of Moscow business and investors from China

On November 13, 2018, the Prince Park Hotel took part in a meeting of representatives of Moscow business and investors from China in the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

On November 13, 2018, the Prince Park Hotel took part in a meeting of representatives of Moscow business and investors from China in the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Such meetings are held regularly and are an indicator of interest from Chinese businessmen and large investors in the Russian economy.

The meeting was held by the head of the department of international and interregional cooperation - Yuri Nikolaevich Morozov (pictured).

Chinese investors would like to get acquainted with some large and promising companies in order to consider new projects that are significant for Russia and China, as well as ways of development and trade.

1. Mr. Hou Xiang (侯 祥), ZhongQiYe, Beijing,

2. Mr. Shi Yong (石 勇), Jinyuantong, Shangxi City,

3. Mr. Li Jingyu (李靖宇), Zhongqihua,

4. Mr. Hei Xiangguo (黑 宪 国),

5. Mr. Diang Xiaodong (梁晓东)