Booking rooms
Our advantages
Walking distance from Tyoply Stan metro station
Free secure parking for 400 cars
Free children under 12 years old
Wedding offers and business events
Billiard club, karaoke club, shopping center

ITB Berlin exhibition 2018

Prince Park Hotel takes part in the international ITB Berlin tourist exchange, which takes place from 7 to 12 March in Berlin.

This is the largest tourist fair in the world, held annually in the Messe Berlin exhibition complex. The exhibition is visited annually by more than 180 000 people. Tour operators, reservation systems, airlines, hotels, cultural objects from 190 countries of the world are presented at the stands and in the exhibition halls. ⠀

We invite all our friends and partners to stand 611 (which is united with stands 612, 613 and 614) in Hall 3.1!