Booking rooms
Our advantages
Walking distance from Tyoply Stan metro station
Free secure parking for 400 cars
Free children under 12 years old
Wedding offers and business events
Billiard club, karaoke club, shopping center

Federal project «Leisure of the year 2017»

Prince Park Hotel participates in the nomination «Business tourism». We appreciate your support, vote for us!

Komsomolskaya Pravda radio station and online portal launched the federal project «Leisure of the year 2017», at which readers and listeners choose the best holiday destination.

The project is based on voting for the best tourist institution in one of 12 nominations: city, children’s, environmental, religious, medical tourism and others. Prince Park Hotel participates in the nomination «Business tourism». Your support is important for us, vote for us!

You can vote for your favourite hotel daily at Leisure2017 or send text «OGO Prince Park Hotel» to the number 2420. The cost of text message is at the rate of your mobile operator. Voting will last until June 17, and the results will be summed up on June 25.