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Fashion Mama Award at Prince Park Hotel

Outstanding Russian women who achieved success in their careers, being the best moms for their children, were presented awards in the Monarch banquet hall.

On August 20 the annual All-Russian Fashion Mama Award was presented by the organizers of the beauty contests Mrs. World Russia and Mrs. Europe.

The best moms got their awards in the Prince Park Hotel

Fashion Mama is the only prize for moms in Russia. It is awarded to beautiful and talented women, successfully combining career and motherhood. The award has 10 categories from different spheres of life from art to business. Both star moms and new names participate. The prize is held from 2011, and among the winners in 2016, Angelica Agurbash, Anastasia Volochkova, Anna Khilkevich, Oksana Fedorova, Ekaterina Klimova, Olesya Sudzilovskaya.
We thank our partners and organizers for a truly beautiful evening!