Booking rooms
Our advantages
Walking distance from Tyoply Stan metro station
Free secure parking for 400 cars
Free children under 12 years old
Wedding offers and business events
Billiard club, karaoke club, shopping center

Business Traveller Russia and CIS Awards

Voting for the "Best Business Hotel of the Central District"

Dear guests!

Prince Park Hotel is participating in the annual Business Traveler Russia and CIS Awards! We are presented in the nomination “The Best Business Hotel of the Central District”

The Business Traveler Awards are awarded annually for outstanding achievements and innovations in the field of business tourism. Voting started on the website of the Business Traveler Russia and CIS Awards 2018, it will last until October 31 inclusive, and winners will be announced on November 15.

If you like the quality of our hotel, we will be grateful for an honest assessment - com/.