Booking rooms
Our advantages
Walking distance from Tyoply Stan metro station
Free secure parking for 400 cars
Free children under 12 years old
Wedding offers and business events
Billiard club, karaoke club, shopping center

Win a dinner in a luxurious restaurant

Reserve 4 rooms in the Prince until March 2018 and win a romantic dinner or weekend in a village.

Prince Park Hotel holds a promotion "Discounts and gifts for newlyweds" in conjunction with the magazine "Happy Wedding".

We make discounts on rooms, and the magazine offers a romantic dinner in a restaurant, a weekend for two in the Moscow region, a surprise for each participant and a special prize to the first participant who sent the card.

To participate you need to take a pink card "Superprize" from the magazine "Happy Wedding" and fill it in. Book a room in Prince Park Hotel 4 times until March 30, 2018. With each booking, the administrator will put you a stamp on the card. Send a photo of the card to the mail

The promotion runs until March 30, 2018, and in April we organize a solemn rewarding of participants and winners!