Booking rooms
Our advantages
Walking distance from Tyoply Stan metro station
Free secure parking for 400 cars
Free children under 12 years old
Wedding offers and business events
Billiard club, karaoke club, shopping center

About us

Chief Accountant
Larisa Chernichkina
Graduated from the Finance Academy under the Government of Russian Federation in 2006.

She's working in Tourism Industry since 2009.

Chief Accountant in Prince Park Hotel since 2014.
Head of Sales and Marketing Department
Galia Cherkesova
Graduated from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in 2020.

Graduated from the Moscow University of Consumer Cooperatives in 2005.

Works in Prince Park Hotel since 2015.
General Manager
Arthur Avakyan
Graduated from the Finance Academy under the Government of Russian Federation in 2008.

Works in the corporation «Karen» which includes Prince Park Hotel since 2009.

General Manager in Prince Park Hotel sinсe 2014.